Wild Hybrid
Unique perfumes
The accumulated writings of Emily (Emmy) Haversham from her journal found in unusual circumstances
Chapter One
A Mystery
I have kept a journal for a large portion of my, so far, brief life of twenty-two years but to date this has been the most difficult entry to start. Normally, it would be a general rambling of thoughts put down to parchment so unremarkable as to be tedious, I am sure, to the outside observer but the events I am about to describe are so confounding and upsetting, mysterious no less, that one daren’t know where to start.
If, by chance, you have read my previous journals, you will know that I lead a somewhat idyllic but unremarkable life with my family at Weymouth Hall, my father’s ancestral home (museum!) on the outskirts of the city. Just far enough away to escape the bustle and smoke but close enough to enjoy the social activities of friends and family with relative ease.
My doting father, Earl Earnest Haversham, is a noted explorer and inventor and our home is jammed full of things wonderful and grotesque by extremes but exotic all the same. I suppose that is where I “caught the bug” as mother would say. I volunteer at the Museum of Natural History where dear Professor Smythe insists on paying me a small stipend to “avoid any semblance of taking advantage.” I pay the money back in donations when they accumulate “to avoid any semblance of taking advantage!”
The circumstances that have me so confounded and concerned involve a mysterious note, two rings and my apparently wayward friend Charles ‘Penny’ Pennyweather.
Two Rings
I have known my dear friend Penny from our school days and he is more brother and confidante than a mere friend. Penny also works at the Museum of Natural History as an associate and, I suspect, it is partly our mutual interest in the natural and unnatural worlds that has cemented our friendship. His research, however, has taken a rather eccentric turn.
While it is not unusual for Penny to be absent without contact for long periods of time, this period has been much extended and I have been rather worried so when I got the delivery today, seemingly at first from him, I was relieved. But let me state the facts of it and let you judge for yourself.
The parcel was very small. All it contained was a note written in Penny’s distinctive hand but with an ink the like of which I have never seen. It was, in hue, the most unusual shade of green with an almost luminous quality. The parchment on which it was written seemed unremarkable. Accompanying the note was a signet ring which is unmistakably Penny’s.
All that the note read was:
Fairy Ring. Northwest estate. Midnight tonight . Full moon.
I would treat the message with disdain except for the facts which strongly indicate it is from Penny: the distinctive signet ring, the hand writing and the fact that Penny was researching fairy rings under the, in my opinion, delusion that they held some sort of power. Coupled with the fact that Penny hasn’t been seen for some time, I have decided to make take the not inconsiderable walk to the northwest edge of our estate.
Of Fungal Rings and Rash Acts
I am no shrinking violet, but the walk to the northwest edge of the Weymouth Estate in the dark of night was unnerving. Even though it was a full moon the sky was heavily clouded making it gloomier than would have been expected.
To make matters more bizarre, I seem to have been followed along my trail by a raven, a creature which is not naturally active at night. While I only saw it once limned against the sky, I heard it from time to time calling out but never more than a few yards from me, judging by the volume.
Always prepared, I had packed a light knapsack with a few supplies which I like to keep close by: a pocket knife, my journal and writing implements, some nuts, cheese and bread and a lantern. I wore my woollen coat as the night was cool.
Finding a fairy ring was relatively easy as it seemed to be the only significant one in the area and the pale fungi glowed softly under the clouded moonlight. With no timepiece with me, and it would be unreadable in the dark anyway without lighting my lantern, I did not know how far away midnight might be so just had to wait, presumably for Penny to arrive.
Apparently waiting is not one of my strengths. With no sign of Penny and nothing else I could find at the scene to warrant my waiting any further I was several steps on my return walk when something dark hurtled at my head forcing me to step backwards. Two other passes by what turned out to be my phantom raven had me crouched in the centre of the fairy ring.
The last thing remember is hurriedly rummaging through my knapsack trying to find something to fend off my attacker, an intense blue flash of light and a vague dream of falling.
Chapter Two
A journey Into Darkness
I came to awareness in the darkness and assumed I was still in the fairy ring field on the family estate but a quick look around at the trees crowding the small clearing I was in quickly dispelled that notion. I lit my lantern, partially, I admit, for comfort, and checked the circumference of the clearing but could only find one very narrow exit through the closely crowded trees. At least the pesky raven was nowhere to be seen or heard.
I considered staying where I was until dawn but thought that activity might be preferable so I entered the narrow pathway. I thought longingly on the swords and machetes displayed on the walls in my father’s study as I pushed my way through the entangling and thorny underbrush.
It was considerably lighter as I came across a natural stone span over a moderately sized river fed by a small and delicate waterfall. I took this reprieve from the previous exertion to rest on the bridge and nibble on some dried fruit and cheese from the small supply I had brought with me, thanking my natural tendency to be prepared.
As my eyes wandered idly over the cascading water of the waterfall, I noticed bright butterflies which seemed to be flitting in and out from behind the light curtain of water. This seemed very unusual behaviour for such delicate creatures and I determined to have a closer look.
A Hidden Entrance
I made my way down to the base of the waterfall and took the time to freshen up in the cool water which collected in a pool at the base. It didn’t take me long to discover the secret of the waterfall. Behind the light, fine mist at one side of the fall was an entrance to a rough-hewn tunnel. I could see light at the end of the tunnel so I entered and walked its length.
I was so preoccupied in trying to clear my face from cobwebs as I exited the tunnel that I failed to notice the incredible scene before me or the guards until one of them grabbed my arm. There were two of them and chances are if I had been paying attention I still may not have seen them. They were the strangest men I had ever seen, covered in soft scales, like on a butterfly or moth, and coloured in shades of brown, soft green and black so that they blended into the background. It wasn’t until later that I was told that these were called Moth Men.
At my startlement, one of the moth men indicated a placating gesture to show he meant no harm and then indicated for me to follow him. It was then that I looked out at the incredible vista before me. We appeared to be on the edge of a valley with dense forest scaling the walls and farmlands visible in the distance and a moderately sized town not too far away. All around, iridescent butterflies fluttered and flitted. One landed on my arm. It was a mesmerising metallic copper with gold eye spots like shining gold coins. Butterflies were everywhere with the flowers to feed them plentiful.
With nowhere else to go but forward, I followed the strange man towards the town. We passed a few people on the road to the town. They were dressed in plain soft but thick trousers, men and women alike, and shirts. It wasn’t until we entered the town that I saw more finely dressed men and women interspersed amongst the more plainly dressed. It appeared as if silk was commonly used but it was the finest, gleaming silk I had seen.
I had learnt early that trying to communicate with my guide/guard was fruitless. He seemed either incapable of speech or not inclined to communicate.
I was taken to the largest building which was still moderate in size and ushered into an antechamber where I was indicated to sit on a wooden bench against one wall. Presently a severe looking woman entered and dismissed the moth man with a series of complicated, fluttering hand signals. She turned to me, greeted me and asked me to follow. At my question, I was told I was being taken before the queen. Now, I was rather nervous as I had never encountered a queen before and, besides, I was not in appropriate condition to be in such company, with a torn dress and likely looking like a vagrant.
Of Queens and Butterflies
I was led into a sumptuous but sparsely furnished room. The walls were decorated with butterflies of varying sizes and I was startled to see that they were alive. Reposing on a couch was a stunningly beautiful woman in the most exquisite, glowing white silk gown. The queen dismissed her aide with a flick of her hand and turned her attention to me. My clumsy attempt at a curtsy drew a slight smile.
The queen was kind and patient as I explained that I was somewhat lost and looking for my friend. She explained that I was in Butterfly Vale (she did tell me the real name of the place but I couldn’t grasp it) and she was the White Queen, affectionately known as The Butterfly Queen. She rose and beckoned me to follow her through a door on the far side of the room.
As I followed, I was mesmerised by the small, verdant courtyard we entered which was aswarm with butterflies of all sizes and shapes. The queen sat on a stone bench and indicated for me to take the opposite one. She patiently named each of the butterflies as I excitedly pointed them out but I didn’t understand most of the names for them so I made up my own according to my impressions of them. The queen did tell me that the copper and gold butterfly that I had seen on my entrance to the vale was called Ilyio’s Eyes and was named after one of their demigods, Ilyio, who was famed for his shining golden eyes. The story related how Ilyio, when betrayed by his beloved, shattered, like his heart, into a thousand copper butterflies with shining gold eyes.
A young girl approached us with a tray with two cups of what appeared to be water and a platter laden with fruits, cheeses and breads. The queen took one of the cups and then offered me the second when indicated to do so. I thought nothing of the small shake of her head as she offered me the cup. She then placed the tray on a small table close by. My eyes must have been as round as saucers as thousands of tiny, jewel-bright butterflies settled on the queen’s bodice to transform her gown into a bejewelled dress which would be the envy of any society woman.
The liquid in the cup turned out to be a light, clear and surprisingly refreshing nectar, which I sipped as the queen told me bits and pieces of information about the vale.
I was starting to feel a little light headed and hot under the sun and the butterflies seemed to be crowding closer and closer to me, occasionally lighting on me and then flitting off. They were starting to make me anxious and irritable when I felt myself slipping to the ground with no control over my limbs.
The last sight I had as the butterflies blotted out the light was a glimpse of a smug smile on the Butterfly Queen’s lips.
When I regained consciousness it was night. I appeared to be bound but could see. I struggled to no avail and when I rolled my eyes to their periphery, I could make out a vague cream blurriness.
A movement in the darkness ahead of me caught my attention and it was a while before I recognised the serving girl who had served me the, apparently drugged, nectar stealthily approaching me through the surrounding trees. A flash of moonlight on a wickedly fierce looking knife made me gasp.
My screams were muffled by the silk of the chrysalis covering my mouth.
The sound of silk tearing was deafening in the night to my ears as the knife plunged through my prison walls. A warning from the young woman to keep quiet focused my attention on the fact that she was apparently trying to free me not injure me.
It took some time for me to be entirely free of the sticky silk encasing. I opened my mouth to speak but my liberator covered my mouth and pointed off into the dark. We had gone a small way through the dark when I pulled my escort short and demanded answers in an insistent whisper. The woman looked frightened but took a short amount of time to introduce herself as Ylgwen and stated that she was taking me to safety but we didn’t have time before dawn to achieve that.
After what seemed this side of forever weaving through trees in the dark we came to a small clearing where Ylgwen stopped and sat on a fallen log. It was there that Ylgwen gave me a small package with some food, a knife and some coins and told me that I needed to continue alone. She explained that she couldn’t travel with me, gave me directions to follow a nearby path to the port and to contact the captain of a ship called the Mermaid’s Blessing just before dawn. Her parting words of advice were to avoid anyone travelling on the path and to avoid anyone in power on my travels. With that Ylgwen disappeared into the trees to leave me to my travels.
I didn’t encounter anyone on my trek along the path in the early hours of the morning. I am writing my journal now as I sail to unknown lands.
Mermaid’s Blessing
I stayed at the port, hidden behind crates and barrels fragrant with spices and exotic fruits, until the horizon just began to brighten with impending dawn. As instructed I found the Mermaid’s Blessing, a modest sized ship, and contacted the captain who seemed to be aware of my situation. I was stowed away in the cargo hold until we set sail on the rising sun.
I don’t know if the crew were given orders to avoid me during our voyage or if they were somehow fearful of me but our interactions, where they were essential, were courteous but brief. Even the captain barely spoke to me. There was one exception, though. His name was Billy and he was a deck hand. I would estimate his age in the early twenties and he unfolded his story to me over the six days that we sailed without incident.
Billy was like me, in that he had stumbled into this world when he was about nine years old. He and his family were on a journey by ship when it was wrecked in a storm a few days out to sea. He doesn’t know how he got to this world but there was no sign of his family of the crew that he had travelled with. Billy had, over the years, managed to make a life for himself here since that fateful day, no doubt through considerable hardship. For that, I admired his resolve.
Billy also gave me more information about this world than I had managed to glean so far. The known lands were divided into five main kingdoms each ruled by a monarch, currently five queens. Each had dominion over part of the natural world, was associated with a primary colour and also with one of the natural elements. The minor nobility followed the same system. Billy didn’t have specifics other than knowing the colours associated with each queen (white, blue, yellow, red and black) and a few of the minors (brown, grey, violet).
When I asked about Penny, Billy did not know of him. Nor did he know why the white queen would want to hold me captive.
For six days we sailed up the coast without incident. It was on the seventh that I was lost at sea.
I was on deck where I had managed to find a quiet space with nobody around and was enjoying the sun, ruminating on my situation and how to proceed, when powerful arms circled my body and propelled me overboard into the deep water.
I struggled to free myself from my captor as we sank rapidly but to no avail. As we descended deeper it got colder and spots danced before my eyes but presently our direction changed to more of an upward direction. We broke to the surface where I spluttered and barely had enough energy to flail about than to try and release myself from the arms trapping me. I was unceremoniously, but not roughly, dumped on a rock ledge at the edge of what appeared to be an underground pool. I just had time to see my captor slip back under the water. He was a beautiful, nicely muscled man with a thick, muscled fish tail. My mind struggled to grasp what appeared to be visual evidence of the existence of a merman.
I was just starting to shiver, still gasping for breath, when a beautiful woman in a deep blue robe appeared from an alcove close to where I lay. She gently enquired as to whether I was well and at my nod she helped me to shaky feet and led me by the hand through the alcove she had appeared from and through a lit tunnel.
We emerged into a cavern, lushly decorated with draperies and masses of cushions on the rugged floor. In the centre of the room was an ornate pedestal with a bowl filled with water. The woman bade me to sit as she did the same. She introduced herself as Merlana, the blue queen. She said that some called her Merlana the Siren but commented that these were the uneducated and petty.
My obvious question was why she had me abducted. Merlana laughed and said that was the only way to meet me. I registered my disbelief at that comment with an unladylike snort but she deftly dodged my enquiry as to why she would want to meet me, a stranger to this land.
Merlana said that she wanted to show me her realm, the Blue Realm. To do so, I needed to drink from the bowl on the pedestal to allow me to breathe under water. I was reluctant, considering what had happened the last time a queen had offered me a drink, but thought that going along for the moment was the best chance I had of continuing on my way to search for Penny.
I used the little silver cup at the side of the bowl to scoop some of the water up. When I put it to my lips it was cool and slightly salty but not unpleasant. I drank down the entire contents of the cup at a reassuring nod from Merlana.
The first stomach cramps hit me almost immediately. They quickly got stronger in intensity until the pain bought me to my knees and eventually fully prone. I could feel Merlana stroking my hair and hear her murmuring reassurances as I arched my back in pain. My legs felt heavy and strange.
I do not know how long I was incapacitated for but Merlana stayed with me the whole time, cooing and reassuring. When the wracking cramps subsided enough for me to consider sitting up I did so with some awkwardness and my eyes widened at the tail that had replaced what had been two whole legs. It shimmered with golden yellow scales.
I looked accusingly at the blue queen who quickly reassured me that the condition was reversible and was an ideal way to have free reign of the underwater kingdom. She summoned two male attendants to carry me back down the tunnel to the sea pool I had emerged from. Once they had placed me back on the ledge and departed, Merlana disrobed and indicated for me to do so. I was a little embarrassed to be so naked in the presence of company but once I slipped into the water behind the queen, the sinuous and silky feel of the water as it slid against my body distracted me from my discomfiture.
I giggled as I thought I should now be called Mermily and got a full, throaty laugh from Merlana when I shared my thought.
I slipped under the water following Merlana’s lead and was amazed to feel gills on either side of my neck pulsate into activity as soon as I submerged. The power and speed my new tail gave me as it propelled me in the water was incredible and intoxicating. Merlana and I spent some time playing tag but eventually we slowed enough for me to take in the incredible colours and forms of the life in the underwater realm.
There were fish of every hue, pattern and shape, some solitary and some travelling in whirling schools. There were lurking things in the kelp, rocks and corals of the sea bed and strange, ethereal crustaceans and shellfish.
I was so enthralled that I failed to notice that Merlana was no longer with me until I was far away from our starting point. I searched, more and more frantically, for hours but could find no sign of her or any other sentient creatures. I rested on a rock to think about my options but the last few days caught up with me and I burst into tears, my transformed body shaking with the sobs of frustration and betrayal.
As my tears subsided I heard singing in the distance. It sounded sweet but also mournful. I followed the sound of the singing and eventually found the source in a partially submerged cave. The singer was a beautiful mermaid with a black tail perched on a rock. I listened unnoticed for a time to the song of despair over a lover lost to time.
I called out softly to the mermaid, not wanting to frighten her and cause her to flee. She stopped singing when she noticed me but beckoned me over. I sat on the rock beside the siren and we exchanged introductions.
When I asked about the song, Davala explained to me that it was her story, one about how she was tricked into becoming a mermaid by the Blue Queen and didn’t age so her betrothed withered and died while mourning the loss of his love.
I shared my own story, including my interactions with Merlana, and Davala regarded me with pity. When I mentioned that Merlana had said my condition was reversible, Davala related a story to me of a mythical twin to the fount in the queen’s chamber that is reputed to have a reversing affect. It was reportedly in the Baron Violet’s seaside residence but Davala had never been able to gain access.
Of course, I searched…….
Chapter Four
As the moon waxed over the days, I searched day and night and spent those times when I wasn’t actively searching with Davala, chatting, sng stories and singing. Davala taught me to forage and hunt for the choicest morsels from the sea.
I searched along the shoreline adjacent to the visible mansion of the Violet Baron as well as deep beneath the waves in the area to no avail. I even spent some time awkwardly on the small sliver of beach looking for an opening and then flopping back down to the water.
It was the night of the full moon when I finally saw the entrance I had been so desperate to find and my heart leapt. The light of the moon penetrated the water to illuminate a ghostly door on a submerged rocky cliff face. I couldn’t afford the time to tell Davala in case it was gone again when I returned but I determined to help her as soon as I could.
I swam through the entrance and emerged in a subterranean pool almost identical to the one in the Blue Queen’s lair, even down to the short tunnel leading from the pool to a chamber. As I had hoped, there was a basin identical to the one I had sipped from weeks ago, this time with a gold cup to scoop up the liquid.
I awkwardly balanced to reach the strange elixir and managed to swallow a good portion before the pain wracked my body again. Once the pain subsided I was back to my two-legged self but, unfortunately, naked as a new born babe. I found a tatty brown robe in a corner alcove which I donned and examined my surroundings for an exit.
A winding set of stairs led from a small doorway in the far recesses of the chamber. Climbing these stairs after my (re)transformation was challenging, my legs shaky and weak, but eventually I made it to the landing and the solid wooden door at the top. I pushed the heavy door open slowly to try and surreptitiously determine the safety of the room beyond before going through but it was yanked open from the other side, unbalancing me and making me stumble full into the room which was full of startled occupants.
Baron Violet
I am not sure whether the startlement was just because of my mere presence, my ungraceful entrance or my bedraggled appearance but the stunned silence quickly became a cacophony of questions and alarm, causing me to try and step back from where I had come from. A guard at the door prevented my escape.
An enormous bellow for silence drew instant response from the crowd and drew my attention to the front of the room where a giant tree of a man was commanding attention. He ordered me forward through the crowd. I self-consciously made my way through the parting crowd not daring to look at the faces of those I passed.
I finally looked up when I had reached the front of the room to find, seated at the head of a large table, an old man, grey haired and wrinkled but not bowed, with the most intense, if slightly age-filmed, violet eyes regarding me intently. The large man was standing next to him.
I shuffled under the scrutiny of both pairs of eyes but the old man did not speak for some time and a hand on the arm of the younger man appeared to hold his tongue as well. Finally, the old man spoke but only to dismiss the onlookers. It wasn’t until they had all left, except for a handful of functionaries, that he spoke to me directly.
The official transcript of the meeting between Lord Baron Violet and Emily Haversham (of unknown origin).
BV: My dear, you have caused quite a stir. I had hoped to avoid such a public meeting with you.
EH: My Lord, you know who I am?
BV: Not your name, but yes. Perhaps you could indulge me in an introduction?
EH: I am Emily Haversham, My Lord. I apologise for my appearance.
BV: Please, Baron will be quite enough. Well met, Emily, although not the most elegant of entrances, eh?
EH: I am terribly sorry. I was somewhat lost and confused.
BV: Well, yes, I can imagine after recovering from Merlana’s tricks you would be. As I am sure you suspect, I am the Baron of Violet and this rather loud young man is my grandson Verlan.
EH: You seem to know about my recent adventures, Baron.
BV: Gossip travels fast in these lands, especially about you!
EH: Why about me? What is so special about me!?
BV: It would quite literally mean my head if I divulged that, so please forgive me for keeping that to myself at this stage. Besides, it would be so much more dangerous for you to know than not.
EH: And do you plan to drug me or hold me hostage, as that seems to be the norm so far?
BV: My dear, if I can bring those bitches some measure of pain by assisting you I will but I can only go so far. I would like you to stay for as long as you want, at least for the night. I have a chamber ready for you. I suspect you have some more adventures on your path so I have provided you with more sensible travel clothing and a young sailor left a package for you. I believe your belongings?
EH: That is most kind of you. I would like to accept, if only for a day or two. May I ask if my friend, Charles Pennyweather, passed this way?
BV: He did. And a most entertaining fellow he was. Had the most extraordinary theories. He stayed for several days and then travelled on to the Red Queen’s lands. He was in quite a fluster when he went. I suspect he discovered something in the libraries where he spent a great deal of time.
VL: Hmmph
BV: Poor Verlan thought your friend a bit of a nuisance but he meant no harm.
EH: May I beg a favour of you Baron, though it seems as if one more may put me in quite your debt?
BV: There is no debt owed for my hospitality however, depending on your request, I may chalk one up.
EH: Could I ask for a trustworthy man of your house to offer safe passage of the mermaid Davala to the fount below and offer her safety in your house? She has suffered for so long and was terribly kind to me.
BV: Taking another of Merlana’s pets would seriously anger her. You would owe me greatly, Emily, and I will call in the debt. Are you sure you want to proceed with this action?
EH: I am not sure what I could possibly offer you but yes, it is the least I could do for her, if it is possible.
BV: Very well. Now, I will have Verlan escort you to your chambers and organise for some food to be brought to you.
EH: I thank you, Baron, for your kindness.
I followed Verlan through a number of hallways, exhaustion creeping up on me rapidly. The baronling set a quick pace but, for such a large man, moved with a liquid grace and sure-footedness which was hypnotic. Verlan stopped so suddenly that he had to reach out and reel me in as I bounced off his broad back. Thinking back, I think looking up into his concerned moss green eyes flecked with violet and arched with wings of dark brows was my undoing.
I remember his parting words quite vividly as he bade me good night:
Emily, my grandfather collects favours as room collects dust. Crossing The Blue Queen twice will amount to a great debt in his eyes. Have a care.
I didn’t eat the food that had been provided for me that night. I was so tired I went straight to the bed and slept like the dead. I didn’t even check the package that Billy had left for me until the morning.
I was woken, not too early, thankfully, by a maid who took me to the heated public baths in a lower section of the building. I soaked blissfully in the heated salt water for what seemed like hours and could have crawled back into bed but ate the breakfast that had been left for me while I opened the packaged that Billy had delivered. All of my possessions, including my precious journal, were carefully wrapped in waxed leather and a note had been included.
Emily, in the hope that you have survived and made it to the Violet Baron, I have delivered your possessions to him. I dearly wish you make it safely to this place.
I miss you and hope we meet again.
I dressed in the clothes provided – soft leather trousers, a thick felted shirt, boots and a thick blue cloak – and was just ruminating on what to do when a knock sounded at my door. Opening the door revealed Verlan taking up the entire doorway with his bulk. A polite good morning was followed by an invitation for a tour of the grounds which I accepted, having nothing of great urgency to do.
I am quite a tall woman but Verlan was easily six inches taller. I think it is his overall solidness which gives the impression of him being so large. I had the opportunity to surreptitiously scrutinise throughout the morning as we walked and chatted. His legs are long but solid, supporting a frame broad and obviously muscled. Dark and warrior-short hair framed a face so expressive (one moment perplexed the other grinning widely and then concerned) that I found myself completely absorbed and wondering what would cross it next.
Verlan’s eyes, though, as I have said, were the focal point of my morning. They were astounding in their variability, one moment stormy grey/green and the next bright as an emerald and then mossy and soft but always with the flashing violet. They trapped me with their wiles and then would release me when he looked or glanced away only to pin me again, playing cat and mouse with my attention.
Time slipped by too quickly and I was soon escorted to lunch with the Baron, alone. The conversation was pleasant and skirted any major subjects. The Baron was very charming company and I found myself liking him very much, but Verlan’s comment of the night before constantly crept into my mind. At the end of lunch, I asked permission to use the Baron’s library, hoping to find a clue to Penny’s reason for being here.
I spent a couple of hours in the library but didn’t find any clues that would shed any light on Penny’s activities. There were however, some very interesting tomes and, most interesting of all to someone lost, some maps. While I have a terrible memory for such things, I did get a lay of the land, so to speak.
I ended up spending five days under the Baron’s hospitality with most of my waking hours spent with his beguiling grandson who, on the last night of my stay, captured my heart completely.
Overheard In the Garden Of Solace (5th Night, Somersan)
VL: Em, where will you go?
EH: When did I become “Em”?
VL: The moment I saw you. Where will you go?
EH: Your grandfather said that Penny went to the Red Queen. I suppose that is where I am headed. It seems like I am destined to meet all of them anyway.
VL: Would you like some charming company on the ride?
EH: I don’t know if I will be able to find any at such short notice! I have a feeling that I must do this alone. I do appreciate the offer and I will miss you.
VL: This “Penny”…..is he..um…Well, I mean, what does he mean to you?
EH: [laughter] Penny is my dearest friend and that is all.
VL: Ah, well then, if he is just a friend……….
I’d like to say the kiss caught me by surprise but I had been mentally urging Verlan on to do so and our mutual attraction over the past few days had been leading to it. His scent of moss, sea and clean musk enveloped me as he claimed me for his own. For the first time in a long time I felt safe and warm in his strong embrace and it hurt my heart to leave him so soon.
To The Red
Verlan spent as much time with me as he could the next morning as I prepared to ride to the Red Kingdom, falling over himself to help me saddle the horse loaned to me by the Baron (he stressed that there was no debt owed on that!) and stow away my gear which included supplies from the kitchens.
The Baron had given me a box the night before at dinner as he couldn’t see me off in the morning due to other commitments stating that it contained instructions for payment of my debt. It was a strange thing – about the size of the cigar box on my father’s desk but as light as folded paper. No matter how I tried I couldn’t get it open. The baron said that it would open at the appropriate moment in time.
I kept glancing at Verlan as we worked trying to gauge his mood but he seemed in high spirits. It wasn’t until I saw his stormy eyes that I realised how worried he was for me. I took his hand and led him into the stables where I explained my theory that the powers in this world, while they wanted to incapacitate me, seemed inclined not to actually harm me. He nodded his assent but when I suggested that they wanted something from me he just chewed his lip in frustration which, of course, made me want to kiss it which I did, thoroughly.
Verlan’s last words to me before I rode out were:
The Red Queen will not do anything to overtly harm or hinder you. You are safe, as such things go, in her realm but she is a tricky one.
Come back to me safe and whole. Tell anyone who threatens to harm you that you are under my protection and if they so much as damage a hair on your lovely and troublesome head I and my army will deal them a world of pain.
I gave him one last fierce embrace, mounted my horse and rode away from the first safety I had had for quite some time.
Verlan had told me that the road was heavily patrolled and I shouldn’t see any trouble on the way. The journey to the Red Kingdom should only take a day if I didn’t have any long stops. Luckily I am an accomplished rider so I ate in the saddle as I rode but took two stops to rest and water my mount.
It was dusk when I finally approached the open gates of the Red City. I half expected everything to be painted or coloured red but it appeared like any other large town, with buildings of stone, wood or brick scattered throughout. Even at this hour the streets were bustling with hawkers, pedestrians and other folk.
There was no mistaking the Red Queen’s citadel. It was taller and considerably larger than any other building and had red pennants with a lion symbol flying from the ramparts. I hitched my horse and entered the building.
The Red Queen
I am not sure what I was expecting but the interior of the citadel was extraordinarily appointed, furnished with rich wooden furniture and decorated in reds and golds. The queen herself was standing just inside to meet me herself. She was a vision in gold with light golden brown skin and was astoundingly beautiful. The queen greeted me by name and led me through to an enormous grassed expanse behind the building where we sat in the coolness of the diminishing light. Animals of an amazing variety grazed, galloped, frolicked or dozed everywhere. A medium sized feline with a mane so like flames I expected something to catch fire settled beside the Red Queen’s chair.
Court Transcript of the Meeting of the Red Queen and Emily Haversham
EH: Your Majesty, you seem to know quite a bit about me.
RQ: Emily, let me be quite plainly spoken. Everyone knows who you are and what you are doing. There are spies and gossipers everywhere. You may call me Dorlina, by the way. You will eventually anyway. You may have noticed that those in power tend not to divulge their real names?
EH: I appreciate your candour. What exactly is the interest in me? I am just a lost girl in a strange place.
RQ: Let me tell you a little of the politics of this place. As you have probably discovered, there are five main kingdoms in this part of the world, each ruled by a queen with their own dominions – white, blue, red, yellow and black. While, technically, each is equal not all have equal power. Our beloved White Queen, for example, has limited capabilities and how she would love to change that!
The lordlings, brown, violet, and so on, are minor powers with varying scope and each loyal to one (sometimes more) of the queens. They also would dearly love to take more power.
EH: Where are the kings?
RQ: A very astute question! There are the five major kingdoms and, at the moment, five queens ruling them. The queens have ruled for a very long time. There is only one condition that would change that. If half or more of the reigning seats are vacant at any one time, through death or prolonged absence, the other rulers must step down and all seats are replaced by kings (or queens in the reverse situation).
EH: Aren’t they replaced by blood relatives?
RQ: Yes and no. Often it turns out that certain bloodlines prevail but nature chooses. Each seat of power holds a gem, diamonds for the major houses and other gems for the minor. So my own house, red, holds a red diamond. You will never see these gems except when a new monarch is being chosen. They are very precious and often hidden in very secure locations. It is the gem that chooses. No-one knows the driving forces but all accept. If, by chance, three of our thrones were vacant right now, the gems would choose male replacements. If only two were vacant, the gems would choose female replacements.
EH: That is all very interesting but how does that relate to me?
RQ: We have a vacancy and you, my darling girl, are destined to help find our replacement.
EH: A vacancy?
RQ: Yes. The Yellow Queen passed some months ago and our more ambitious males are going out of their way to force the issue. I have had seven attempts on my life in the last month alone.
EH: How am I to help? And why would the white and the blue queens try and prevent this?
RQ: Your second question first. My sisters of white and blue, I suspect, are acting against their wills. I am not sure but I believe they act under duress. In answer to your second question, we need you to recover the yellow diamond which our beloved Yellow Queen squirreled away somewhere. As I said, it seems destined for you to find it.
EH: Let me speak plainly as well. Can I trust you?
RQ: Another astute question! My dear, I have my own ambitions but I have always been friend to the yellow. Alusande was a very dear friend to me and I would see her throne restored promptly. I also have no desire for the balance of power to shift to men.
EH: It seems I cannot escape this, anyway.
RQ: No, you can’t but please know that you have friends or, at least, parties interested in your success. By the way, my spies tell me that a certain young man of violet is besotted with you. Have a care with the ambitions of House Violet.
My head spinning, I lay on the bed in the quarters prepared for me by order of Dorlina and realised I had forgotten to ask about Penny. I would rectify that in the morning prior to my departure. For I was, according to The Red Queen, to travel to the Black Lands to meet with The Queen of the Black.
Chapter Five
Gossipers Heard in the Red Hand Tea House
Maeva: She’s oh so pretty with that raven hair. And tall, she is.
Dorla: I bet she’s one of those high minded muckety-mucks swanning around in that red tower.
Aventin: I heard that she arrived in rags at the old violet one’s mansion. No lady would be seen dead dressed like that.
Maeva: Her and the red dragon talked for hours. Some say she’s the new apprentice to the Grey Witch of The Lake.
Aventin: My sources say she’s going to the Black to learn womanly ways to bewitch that lovely violet boy. She should come learn from me!
Maeva: My cousin says she’s going to help find the new yellow queen. Says that she has the yellow gem in her pocket.
Dorla: Mae, my love, those witches guard their diamonds like they were life itself. I hear the Red Queen had hers made into a trinket for her unmentionables. No-one would get the opportunity to find it there.
Aventin: Unless you are a pretty serving girl or so the rumours go, and where there’s smoke….
Maeva: Aven, you will get yourself into a whole pile of trouble. There are some things best not said in public.
I took my breakfast with the red queen the next morning and managed to ask about Penny but Dorlina didn’t have any information about his intended direction. He had, apparently spent almost all of his time with the queen’s chief engineer, Rolig, “diverting his time from more pressing matters”. I got the impression that Penny had made a nuisance of himself.
I had brought my possessions with me to make for a hastier departure and was surprised when Dorlina walked with me in the opposite direction to the stables and across a nearby field. It was a pleasant walk in the dewy coolness of the morning, with the queen chatting idly about the Queen of the Black. My initial concern about the imagined nature of the Black Queen was mollified by Dorlina who stated that she was actually quite lovely, if a little stern. She is the oldest of the current queens but considered a great beauty, if a little austere.
As we crested the top of a moderate hill, my attention was drawn to the strange beast of a contraption revealed and all talk ceased.
Flights of Fancy
Moored next to, and dwarfing, the small cottage below us was an enormous and alien looking dirigible, struggling at its ties to get free. Dorlina laughed at my round-eyed wonder and told me that this was Rolig’s pet project, one she had yet to experience first-hand. I felt tiny as we neared it and the cottage.
Before she knocked politely on the cottage door, Dorlina whispered to me that this was the most direct way to the Black Lands, to the Bird Queen. My brow knotted as I tentatively put things together and thought of the raven on the night of my appearance in this world. My worry about meeting the Black Queen resurfaced.
We were overcome with heat and noise when we entered. Machines clanked, hummed and hooted as they ejected gouts of steam and bolts of electricity. Noticing our entrance an enormous man unfolded from his seat at a work bench. If I thought Verlan was big, this man was a giant but at a guess twenty years Verlan’s senior. Rolig wiped his hands on his apron as he approached and ushered us outside to the calm coolness of the natural world.
Dorlina introduced me and explained my destination, eliciting a wide joyful smile from the man. At my enquiry about the safety of the dirigible, Rolig huffed and hummed and said that if it was safe enough for his queen then it was safe enough for me, to which I replied that Dorlina had yet to fly in his invention. Rolig seemed to find this highly amusing, leaving me even more nervous.
I thanked the Red Queen for her kindness and climbed the short rope ladder behind Rolig into the cabin of the dirigible. The cabin was surprisingly roomy, even with Rolig taking up considerable space. He was playing with dials and switches which made the machinery come to life with whooshes of compressed gases and the crack of static charges. In no time we were lifting high above the Red Realm.
The dirigible made surprising speed. I watched the land far below me speed by, a miniature diorama of life. Rolig was pleasant company when he wasn’t adjusting gauges and valves to ensure we stayed on course but not particularly forthcoming on knowledge about the political situation of this land. After several hours, Rolig called me forward to point out into the distance to a high precipice. This was our destination. He then pointed out to the side where I could see flashes of lightning but no sinister cloud formations. Rolig explained to me that the flashes of lightning were from the mating flight of the lightning vulture. I got a closer look at these ugly birds and their amazing and frightening aerial mating dance as we approached the Black Keep.
It took several more hours to arrive and dock high on the snow dusted cliffs but once we arrived Rolig insisted on presenting me to the queen himself. The keep itself was imposing, perched on the cliffs like a bird about to launch into flight. An ideal location, I imagine, for the bird queen.
We entered the stone keep and on enquiry of a staff member were informed that the Black Queen was taking a walk in the forest. The rooms of the keep as we passed through were highly vaulted and the exposed beams were used as perches for an extraordinary range of birds. A tiny sulphur yellow owl blinked at me with startling green eyes as we passed.
Rolig took me through the building and out through the main gates. The path shortly lead to an eerie forest of black, leafless trees. The bleak forest still teemed with life, especially bird life. I was particularly taken with a pale grey, long-legged bird foraging in a nearby lake when I heard Rolig’s name shouted from a distance. Rolig waved to the woman in the distance and we walked to meet her on the path.
As the dark figure of The Black Queen approached I could see two ravens seemingly playing tag with each other and her which reignited my unease as I remembered again the raven that had shadowed me on the night of my transportation. The queen, however gave me a warm and welcoming smile as she reached us and introductions were made by Rolig, who was, apparently, very familiar with the queen.
The Black Queen invited me to join her in what she called her favourite place and I agreed. The ravens left to do their own thing as we entered a large conservatory, very warm and humid after the chilliness on the mountainside and lush with plants with heavily scented flowers and jewel-bright little hummingbirds busy feeding off them. She explained that this was where her most delicate creatures were welcome to over-winter if they chose to do so.
As we wandered the extensive and convoluted paths of the sanctuary, the queen reintroduced herself as Lucindra and revealed herself to be a surprisingly warm and many layered person, belying her lovely but austere appearance. I thought it strange that the conversation veered to, and lingered on, a subject close to my heart and on my mind – Verlan. The object of my affection and attention turned out to be blood kin, Lucindra’s nephew, and she made no bones of ensuring I knew that I would feel her wrath if I needlessly hurt him. This only improved my opinion of Lucindra.
I dared to broach the subject of the raven in my world with an implied question rather than a blatant accusation. With sadness, Lucindra said that the bird was lost to her forever to do her work. She explained that it was important that I made it through the portal and used her resources to ensure that I did. At my raised eyebrows, Lucindra laughed, took my hand and explained that while she couldn’t explicitly explain the reasons, she assured me that she only had my own interest a heart.
This, of course, led to a discussion of what was to happen next to find the yellow diamond to help a young queen to the yellow throne. Lucindra was to accompany me to the estate of Viscount Brown who, she believed, knew of the yellow diamond’s whereabouts. She warned me that the little brown lord was disarmingly charming but devious and would warn me again several times on our short journey to his lands.
Chapter Six
A Meeting With A Dragon
We left with little fanfare and fuss. It was just me and Lucindra, although I was keenly aware that the queen wasn’t defenceless. There were razor-sharp talons and beaks everywhere. Initially I was intrigued when birds of various kinds would appear and seemingly pay their respects to their queen but it became commonplace quickly enough.
We only had a few hours of travel before darkness was to set in and Lucindra said that it would take another half day to reach Viscount Brown’s estate so we took a leisurely pace on our mounts in companionable silence and set up camp at dusk in a small clearing. Lucindra seemed to be quite comfortable and capable of managing in the wilderness.
Over a simple, but quite adequate, meal cooked on the camp fire, the black queen and I chatted comfortably on trivial subjects but I found my mind wandering to Verlan, then Penny and then to my parents back home. When I asked about seeing them again, Lucindra gave me a sad smile and explained that my trip was likely a one way one. Apparently, the spell to cross over is a very difficult one and “expensive” (the caster does not survive the ritual). This somewhat shocked me.
With these thoughts on my mind, we retired early with the intention of getting an early start in the morning. However, sleep was evasive as I wondered what Penny was up to and longed for the strong comfort of Verlan.
So it was with a clouded and tired mind that we continued our journey the next morning. Neither of us was inclined to talk. Lucindra appeared to be troubled and off in her own thoughts and I was just not in the mood. The day was disconcertingly bright and sunny, though, and it was much warmer than on the peak of the Black Keep.
I was so deep in reverie that I failed to register Lucindra’s warning until my mount reared under me. I jarred to alertness to try and control my horse but Lucindra came to my assistance. It wasn’t until the queen repeated her warning for me to remain calm and indicated to the path in front of us that I realised our situation.
We had come around a bend in the path to find ourselves confronted by a dragon blocking it, facing in our direction. And, oh, it was beautiful! The dragon was surprisingly small, about the size of my horse, and opalescent white complete with flashes of colour on its scales as it moved. Its eyes were milky white with the same opalescence. The lovely dragon was fearsome though with its long, sharp talons and sharp teeth not to mention the coiled strength of the muscles bunched under its scaled hide.
I glanced briefly at Lucindra to see the mixed look of wonder and consternation on her face but immediately returned my gaze to the dragon. Its eyes seemed to focus on me and, strangely, I didn’t feel any fear. I found the eyes watching me somewhat comforting. And then, without warning, the dragon leapt into the air, it’s enormous wings battering us and throwing dust and leaves into the air.
We calmed the horses and let them graze to settle them further. I could see from Lucindra’s face that she had come to a decision on the problem that had been worrying her mind all morning. When I said as much to her, she just gave a short nod. I asked about the dragon as we continued on our way, initially walking the horses and then mounting when we were sure they were amenable, and all Lucindra would say was that the dragons had been in hiding while they mourned the loss of their queen, the Yellow Queen. The white one was a small one, apparently.
Redirected Plans
We arrived at the Estate of Viscount Brown by early afternoon. The mansion was moderately sized and from a distance appeared to be in good repair but as we approached I could detect signs of decay everywhere – mould and rot seeping around the edges of things – yet somehow it appeared to fit with the character of the place. I was more concerned with the apparent lack of activity on and around the Brown lands. It appeared to be a deserted place.
When we knocked on the peeling front door we were greeted warmly by a maid who curtsied deeply to the Black Queen and then lead us through to a warmly decorated library. The creeping decay seemed to be evident inside the building as well. We were presently joined by a tiny woman (she only came up to my chest) dressed impeccably in fine brown wool. She curtsied slightly to Lucindra but also greeted her by name. Lucindra gave her a warm hug and introduced me.
Evaya, the Brown Viscountess, looked to be worn with deep lines on her face and red-rimmed eyes and it wasn’t until Lucindra asked after the Viscount that Evaya’s façade broke and she burst into tears. It took some time for Lucindra to calm the little woman down enough to determine the cause of her distress, though I suspected.
Viscount Brown had been found dead, a dagger though his heart, several days ago. There were no apparent suspects however when I exchanged a look with Lucindra it was clear that our thoughts were in alignment – this was another attempt to prevent the ascension of a new Yellow Queen.
Once Evaya had calmed we told her of our purpose and she nodded and said that her husband had planned for this eventuality. After a bit of searching of the shelves and shelves of books in the library, Evaya selected one with a soft exclamation of triumph and handed it to Lucindra. After a short period of flicking through the book pages, the queen removed a loose parchment page and, after scanning it briefly, raised her eyebrows in question at the Viscountess. All she said was “Do you agree to this?” which elicited a tentative nod from Evaya and then a firmer one to reinforce her resolve.
From Death
I looked askance at Lucindra but she just shrugged her shoulders and indicated for Evaya to lead the way. We followed the brown lady through the mansion, out to the fields at the back to a small, stone fenced graveyard. Tears were staining Evaya’s cheeks as she indicated her husband’s relatively fresh grave and then she fled back to her home. I had an awful thought that we were to dig up the body but when I asked Lucindra she denied that course of action.
I watched in fascination as Lucindra knelt at the edge of the grave and started to recite from the parchment in a sing-song tone of voice. I didn’t understand the language but even the sound of the words as they were voiced seemed powerful. The recitation was quite long and I watched from a short distance behind the queen. As the pace of the spell/prayer slowed I could see the ground of the grave shift and whirl like a whirlpool in water. A spout of earth, leaves and twigs netted with skeletal white fungal threads emerged from the centre of the disturbance. A bulb developed at the end of the spout as it grew and eventually it split open like a flower to reveal in its centre a gem so yellow it seemed to glow. It appeared to be carved in the likeness of a dragon but considering the nature of diamond I doubted it.
Lucindra leapt up and scooped the yellow diamond into a velvet pouch. As soon as she stopped her recitation the earth slumped back into the ground. The queen’s look of triumph as she glanced at me was tinged with immense sadness but she took my hand and led me back to the brown mansion.
Revelations (Of A Sort)
We stayed the night with the Viscountess, who showed such great kindness in her time of grief that I admired her strength. Conversation over dinner was centred around what was to happen to find a new Viscount Brown to test with the brown gem (a smokey topaz, so I was told), the state of affairs in the Black Lands and in the other lands and touched on the selection of a new Yellow Queen.
I asked Lucindra about the spell to recover the yellow diamond when we were alone as I did not want to distress Evaya any further. Lucindra explained that the Brown had dominance over the realm of the tiny creatures, those responsible for decay and rebirth, the microbes and fungi. The Viscount had secreted the gem in his, then future, burial plot and Lucindra had used the spell to enlist the assistance of the Brown lord’s creatures.
When I asked to see the yellow diamond, Lucindra refused saying that even the brief touch she had had of it had caused her intense pain. Only the chosen queen could touch it and a non-selected queen could die if she touched the gem. From what I could see, I had had little to do to recover the diamond, which belied my reasons for being in this realm.
So, I asked the obvious question. The conversation is so vivid in my memory, I can quote it verbatim:
EH: Do you think I am the next Yellow Queen?
BQ: Your friend Penny does and apparently quite a few others suspect. Your life is in danger.
EH: What does Penny have to do with this?
BQ: He was very excited when he came to me. Apparently he had uncovered a prophesy in the Violet Baron’s library. He was the one who engineered for you to be brought here.
EH: And now you believe?
BQ: No one can really know until the test of the diamond but, yes, the signs do indicate that this is so.
EH: But that is crazy. I am not even from this world.
BQ: Nature chooses as she chooses. You may have ties to this world that we don’t know of.
EH: Where is Penny? He has me to answer to!
BQ: I don’t know but I suspect he will be at the Yellow Palace. We will find out soon enough. The others will be meeting us there.
EH: Oh, that will be fun, I am sure.
A Strange Meeting
We were farewelled by Evaya the next morning as we set on our way to the yellow kingdom. It was apparently not a long trip as the brown lands verged on the yellow. I continued to question Lucindra on the theory that I might be chosen as the new Yellow Queen but she soon became irritated by the subject and stopped my questions by stating again, firmly, “Nature chooses as she chooses”. I gave the poor woman some peace to mull things over in my head.
Is this why Baron Violet was confident on my ability to pay my debt? If so, what would the payment entail? What would Verlan think if the yellow took me? What was Penny doing? Who was behind the drive to shift the balance of power?
With these thoughts consuming my attention, we travelled a considerable distance before we were stopped on the road by a strange sight. In the middle of the road was a woman, strangely exotic, with a snake draped around her neck and shoulders. As we approached she bowed to the queen and beckoned to me with the snake now coiled around her beckoning arm, almost as if she were offering me the serpent.
Lucindra greeted the woman by name and introduced her to me as Syllal, Mistress of Snakes. She was eerily beautiful with otherworldly green eyes and fingers stained with what I assume to be incense or herbal exudates. Lucindra dismounted and talked to Syllal briefly and remounted to continue our journey. I looked askance at Lucindra and she said that Syllal wanted to know if it was true that I was to be the Yellow. I just sighed, unwilling to fight with these people.
The remainder of the journey was uneventful and passed quickly enough. We reached the coast and paused on the edge of a bluff where Lucindra pointed off to an island in the middle of the bay. Perched on the island and taking up most of it was an enormous palace. When I expressed my marvel, Lucindra pointed out that it was ideal perching grounds for dragons.
We made our way down to a small but surprisingly busy port and commissioned a small boat and boatsman to courier us across the bay to the Yellow Palace. Thoughts of the Blue Queen kept me away from the sides of the boat on our glide across the water.
We disembarked on a small but sturdy jetty, retrieved our gear and climbed the multitude of steps up to the looming palace. The surrounding land was alive with all sorts of creatures. I expected to see dragons but none showed themselves. We ended up at what appeared to be a side entrance but it seemed we were expected as we were met by one of the housemaids, welcomed solemnly and escorted to our rooms to freshen up. I agreed to meet Lucindra in the main hall shortly.
I didn’t unpack the little I had as it seemed I was always on the move but I placed the Violet Baron’s box on a dresser, determined to find a way to open it when I had the chance. I quickly washed up, hoping that I would find a deep, hot bath sometime soon, and left to find Lucindra.
I descended a large, ornate staircase to the main lobby of the palace and gasped in wonder at the sight below me. The lobby was enormous and around the perimeter were statues of dragons, each seemingly carved from a different type of stone – amethyst, jade, ruby and so on. Once I took the last step down I approached the first of the dragons, made from onyx, and tentatively touched it. They were so life-like I expected to feel scale and hide but it was just cool, smooth stone. I did a circuit of the room and touch each of the dragons.
The sound of Lucindra’s laughter from a room off the lobby drew me into a comfortable study, complete with enormous fireplace and three occupants. Accompanying the Black Queen was Dorlina, the Red Queen and the unmistakable, lean form of Penny. Dorlina smiled warmly and welcomed me while Penny took a step forward to embrace me but thought better of it when I addressed him as “Charles” not “Penny”, clearly getting a sense of my displeasure. He opened his mouth to protest and I forestalled him with a terse promise of “later”.
I was offered a glass of (very nice) wine and we retired to the plush couches in the study, with me seated as far from Penny as possible. Dorlina asked after my travels and enquired after my knowledge of the situation. I filled her in on my understanding of what was going on with pointed looks at Penny throughout. I was advised that the other queens would arrive shortly and would meet to discuss the events. I was invited to attend.
The other queens did, in fact, arrive in short order to much scurrying of servants and valets. I greeted the White and the Blue coolly but not rudely. A third arrival had me curious as I was not sure if he was human or not. The man appeared to be made entirely of supple clear glass. He was introduced to me as The Crystal Man, the lord of crystal. He was to oversee the discussion regarding the Yellow Diamond as an impartial witness.
Our group adjourned to a huge stone table out on a nearby patio which had been laden with masses of delicious food. The evening meal was actually quite enjoyable as the sun lowered in the sky. I warmed to the White and Blue queens as they made their apologies (but no reasoning) for their actions. I was curious to see if I would see food being chewed and swallowed by the clear man but it appeared as if the food just disappeared once put in his mouth. Conversation directly with Penny was virtually non-existent.
Once the meal was ended, the Queen’s Council was called to order. Penny was asked to leave and the Crystal Man moved to sit away from us but close enough to observe.
Transcript and minutes from the Queen’s Council
WQ: Ladies, sisters, we have a couple of items to discuss but one is clearly the most pressing. We have amongst our midst a young lady who appears to be destined to take the Yellow, if rumours and signs are to be credited. Do we agree to test Emily Haversham with the Ceremony of Gloves?
[Unanimous agreement]
WQ: Emily do you agree to be tested?
EH: What is involved? What if I fail?
WQ: Lucindra?
BKQ: Let’s start with if the diamond successfully chooses you. The process was the same for each of us but to different degrees. I have discussed this with each of my sisters here and I understand I got off quite lightly but our beloved White Queen had the worst of it. As each of the realms represent different elements – blue for water, red for fire, black for void, white for spirit and yellow for earth – the taking feels different for each. Mine was a lonely, black road, whereas the White road was plagued with ghosts.
There is an element of transformation required which is quite painful but certainly less so than if the diamond rejects you. It is true also that the level of discomfort is variable for each person. The stronger the taking, the stronger the pain but also, the stronger the integration at the end. A successful taking, even the worst, is still not unbearable.
If the diamond rejects you, you will be left damaged at the least; dead at the worst. Although having seen the ones that have survived I think it is the reverse. The diamond tries to change you but for some reason or other stops part way through.
WQ: Emily do you agree to be tested?
EH: Do you truly believe I will be chosen?
BQ: We all do, yes, but there is still no guarantee. While there have been human influence in manipulating you here there has also been an external influence which we can’t name. It may be the power of prophesy or it may be nature herself manoeuvring you here.
WQ: Do you now agree to continue with the testing?
EH: I….yes, I do.
WQ: My queens, let us perform the Ceremony Of Gloves.
The Ceremony Of Gloves
Each of the queens present pulled out a small carved box and opened the lids in unison. I couldn’t see inside the boxes but each pulled out one glove, not one the same. At a nod from each, they pulled their gloves onto their right hands and each gloved hand reached again into the boxes and removed a gem from each to rest in the palms of their gloved hands. The diamonds were glorious. They were ‘carved’ into the semblance of an animal – a lustrous crystalline butterfly, a fiery orange lion, an aqueous blue seahorse, and a black, shimmering bird.
In unison, the queens transferred their diamonds from their gloved right hands to their naked left hands. Each gem glowed as they touched the skin of their chosen ones. As one they looked to me and Lucindra produced the pouch with the yellow diamond. I was instructed to hold out my left hand. When I did so, the Black Queen upended the pouch to drop the yellow diamond into my hand. The diamond glowed an intense, sunny yellow before the pain took me and caused me to clutch the diamond in my clenched fist.
Lucindra was right. The pain was not unbearable but it was intense. I could feel and see a network of gold spiralling up my arm. As it continued up into my neck and head the discomfort increased and it felt like my skin was cracking and sloughing away. I was aware of the intense gazes of the queens as the taking progressed. It only seemed like minutes when the discomfort faded leaving me feeing drained and with a pounding headache.
The queens seem to relax at that point and each gave me a small understanding smile. They each greeted me as their sister, the Yellow Queen, and replaced their diamonds and gloves in their boxes. Lucindra rose and came to help me to my feet, letting me know that the headache was normal and would fade over a couple of days as the transformation completed. She also warned me that my appearance would be a bit of a shock and stressed that this would change.
I could see Penny hovering in the hallway, looking rather pleased with himself but also concerned, as Lucindra helped me to my room but I had no words for him yet. I was helped into bed where I instantly dropped into a sound but not dreamless sleep.
I woke from dreams of flying, tearing flesh, blood and fire to light streaming through my window. Strangely the dreams had not been disturbing; they had been surprisingly reassuring. A little orange-crested lizard scampered over my bed covers and regarded me with curiosity. I glanced about the room and saw various forms of reptilian life hanging or slithering through the room. I smiled. They were just curious about their new queen and I couldn’t scold them or shoo them away.
I remembered Lucindra’s warning of the night before and rose carefully as my head was still pounding. I approached the mirror with caution and gasped when I saw my reflection. My raven hair had transformed to a colour of spun gold and my face had a raised scroll pattern under the skin. It felt like metal underneath its fleshly covering. I noticed a golden yellow gown had been laid on my bed along with a single, right handed black glove and an exquisite silk lace mask. I panicked as I thought of my yellow diamond but I found the dragon-shaped gem in my bedclothes.
It was apparently late morning and the other queens were just finishing up breakfast when I joined them. They each embraced me and called me sister. I admonished the White and Blue queens that I still wanted answers but hugged them back just as warmly. They each remarked how lovely I looked and Lucindra, again, advised that my face would return to normal. I thanked her profusely for the forethought in providing the gifts of the gown and mask. There was no sign of Penny but I was determined to have it out with him and, hopefully, salvage our friendship.
After a delightful breakfast chatting and laughing with the queens, we made plans to get together again later tonight to determine a course of action to root out the plans of our enemies. I again went to the lobby of the palace to the dragons placed there and touched each in turn. This time I was surprised at the difference I felt in each. In my mind, as I touched them, I could feel a presence in each, all distinctly different form the others. The onyx dragon felt cool, dark and slick in my mind, like slipping under water at night. The amethyst dragon was full of joy and wonder, if a little scattered. The white marble dragon was cool and calculating but also enquiring. All of them extended a warm welcome to my mind and I felt as loved and included as anyone could ever want to be.
I made my way to my room to change into walking shoes with a mind to find Penny, but when I entered I immediately noticed that the box given to me by the Violet Baron had changed. It had unfolded and lay flat on the dresser. On closer inspection, I realised it was a letter addressed to me.
I read the spidery script in violet ink and a smile grew on my face to outshine the sun….and then it dimmed.
This ended the only diary of Emily Haversham found to date.
A letter addressed to Emily Haversham from the Baron Violet
Dearest Emily (or should I say Your Highness?)
I truly believe you are destined to be our Yellow Queen and I am sure you will be a glorious one. This letter will only reveal itself if this comes to pass.
Now onto payment for your debt to me. I know you could mobilise your dragons and incinerate my little piece of land into nothing if you chose but I believe you to be a lady of integrity. Besides which I am sure my terms will be very agreeable to you.
To wipe the slate clean, I request that you take my beloved Verlan as husband. I suspect you are concerned that you have not known the lad for long enough and I know he worries about the same but I strongly believe you are destined for each other and any who have seen you together would agree.
Trust me that I and mine do gain from this arrangement but I believe you do too.
Please respond with your answer as soon as possible. I am eager to gain a daughter-in- law of your ilk.
Fondest regards,
Baron Violet.
PS. I will send Verlan to meet you at the Yellow Palace. I am sure he will be a nuisance until I do.